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Showing posts from February, 2009


Phronesis  is the capability to consider the mode of action in order to deliver change, especially to enhance the quality of life. It dates back as a theory or philosophy to Aristotle... Practical wisdom, applied to everyday situations, leads thought and leads people..


Flow fascinates ... being the observer, watching events as they unfold, watching and listening to the signals and signposts that are along the way - what is it that ensures we click with our path and our direction, what causes the energy to come at us rather than drawing it from us - it is having the wisdom to be still, the strength and fortitude to stick with our intuition, and the awareness to change when we meet resistance too often ... it is about doing what brings us happiness inside, you know that feeling you get when something just takes your breath away and leaves you sitting in awe ... it is feeling that feeling within ourselves when it resuls from who we are and what we are doing, rather than what is going on around us .... so, chill out, relax and let the universe take your breath away


Here's an interesting one .. I am reading several books currently, and in particular one about the first Geological map in the world, the second about science .. both talk about this phenomenon.. Consider that time as we know it extends from one end of our right arm to the far end of our left arm when your arms are raised. A human lifetime comprises the slightest nail filing, the life of Jesus is apparently half way across our right palm .. puts time in perspective doesn't it!