Consider this. The human race is the only race, animal or being in the world that chooses names for itself. You could argue that other animals simply do not have the ability to select names for themselves, as they do not know how to talk or communicate in that way. They definately identify themselves from other animals of the same breed or type, yes, but they do got give themselves names in the same way that we do.
Names provide humans with our identity. Without a name, we are a nobody, a nameless human being. Like animals, without names, we would recognize one another by the features that we physically show, the behaviors that we exhibit and the things that we do or that make us different from others.
The things that we do, and the behaviors we exhibit relate to our intent, rather than our identity. Our identity is a label that is given to us at birth, and which becomes the label for our particular personality. Our identity enables others to connect with us, making it easier to discuss one person with another.
Our identity becomes more important to us as we walk through life. We often seek recognition, reward and praise for who we are and what we have done. We want to stand tall and be proud of the name we carry and the legacy that it leaves.
In my opinion, it is our intent that is more powerful than our identity. A lot more powerful.
Why? Because focusing on our intent, when our intent is detached from our identity, enables us to make things happen. By definition, if we are intent on doing something, we tend to do it.
Focusing on our identity, rather than our intent, stalls us as we look inwards for answers.
So, intent is what makes you who you really are, not your identity.
Next time you feel as though you have hit a brick wall, or are feeling frustrated, shift your focus away from your identity and onto your intent. See what happens..
Names provide humans with our identity. Without a name, we are a nobody, a nameless human being. Like animals, without names, we would recognize one another by the features that we physically show, the behaviors that we exhibit and the things that we do or that make us different from others.
The things that we do, and the behaviors we exhibit relate to our intent, rather than our identity. Our identity is a label that is given to us at birth, and which becomes the label for our particular personality. Our identity enables others to connect with us, making it easier to discuss one person with another.
Our identity becomes more important to us as we walk through life. We often seek recognition, reward and praise for who we are and what we have done. We want to stand tall and be proud of the name we carry and the legacy that it leaves.
In my opinion, it is our intent that is more powerful than our identity. A lot more powerful.
Why? Because focusing on our intent, when our intent is detached from our identity, enables us to make things happen. By definition, if we are intent on doing something, we tend to do it.
Focusing on our identity, rather than our intent, stalls us as we look inwards for answers.
So, intent is what makes you who you really are, not your identity.
Next time you feel as though you have hit a brick wall, or are feeling frustrated, shift your focus away from your identity and onto your intent. See what happens..