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Auckland Zoo

Zoos are cool places. When was the last time you went to a zoo? This morning (as with most Sunday mornings) was Amelie time, Dad and daughter spending quality time together, so we went off to the zoo..

Wandering along the paths listening to the cries of the spider monkeys echoing throughout the park, we seemed to silently enter another world .. a world that is made up of the energy of living things, a world that does not get concerned with the time of day, the weather or what is going on outside the realm of the animals living there. Time kind of becomes irrelevant. That's peaceful.

We saw the cheetahs having lunch, the gibbon sitting in her usual spot on a branch by her enclosure fence, sitting watching people come and go, the baby giraffe galloping across the 'savanna' towards her mother. We smelt the rhinos and watched the ostrich pecking the ground.

It always surprises me how calm small children are when they are at the zoo - in awe of the animals around them, or reflecting the calm tranquility of the place.. I guess we are all one with the zoo animals, one part of a collective energy - so if they are calm, then that sense of peace is transferred to us

... and yet, some of those animals are what we'd call dangerous, they are preditors. Despite that, seeing a lion lying on the ground yawning is the most peaceful sight.

If you havn't been recently, hop on the bus and go see the animals - relax and take in the tranquility.


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