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Showing posts from November, 2009

Who moved my cheese and the fear of failure..

Every week is an interesting one at the moment. The global economic crisis (or GEC as it is now being labelled) has affected almost everyone on the planet one way or another. It reminded me of the fact that the fear of not being in control can be our achilles heel. That fear of not being able to control the events in our lives can often be related to a fear of failure, especially when other people around us are moving things in a direction that makes us feel uncomfortable or out of our depth - the book 'Who moved my cheese' is a good one to pick up if you suffer from this phobia. More often than not, the people or changes to our lives that we most fear are the ones who can and will give us the most benefit, they are the ones that get us up off our butts and actually help us to 'shine', they are the ones that stretch us and help us to grow. In my life, these people and events are characterised by a feeling of fear, immense fear - they have on a couple of occasions brou...

Watering the plants

Good morning! The most powerful thing you can do (and it is very powerful) to change the world is to  change your own beliefs about the nature of life, people and reality to something more positive  .. and begin to act accordingly. Success is a choice.. and it is possible to make friends with adversity and your misfortunes. Bear in mind that sometimes it doesn't take much to put things right - take for example a little water on a small plant to help it grow Paragon in Robin Hobbs' Liveships trilogy states .. "long or short, if you worry about every step of a journey you will divide it into endless pieces - any one of which may defeat you. Look only to the end".."teach yourself to believe you will succeed. Be now what you must be to succeed at the end of your journey, and when the end comes, you will find it is just another beginning"