In times like today, with change happening unexpectedly, we all find ourselves wondering how we are going to handle the things that are altering - we have all heard the words of Charles Darwin on the fact that for a species to survive it has to adapt .. if only it were that easy? Well maybe it is. Recent changes for me, that were outside my control, left me standing still - possum in the headlights (or bunny if you're not from round here!) kind of wondering what was going on .. then frustration set in (who moved my cheese - which by the way is an interesting book if you havn't read it) then a bit of panic and finally tiredness. So I slapped myself on the arse and set about restructuring and reorganising the way I handled my businesses and my cash and after a few hours I managed to find a recipe that not only kept me moving forwards, but which also created opportunities that were not there (or which I had not noticed) before.. the result, well it's cool - yes, handling the c...