Yesterday I went for a run for the first time in ages. Apart from having sore legs and feeling fitter as a result, I was struck by the beautiful colours around me. Here in New Zealand it is Autumn, the rains have begun, and the sun, when low, brings out the most incredible greens and browns. The grass was stunning and so green. I stopped in my tracks and looked around at the colour. I looked at nothing else, just colours and how inspiring it was! Rather than registering what I was looking at, I just saw the colours of what I saw. When I got home, I realized how much of our beautiful world we take for granted. Normally we spend our time running around looking at things, people, landscapes, views - we do not look at the colours..they are just there. Colour is always present, and when something is always present, we often overlook it. Have a look around you and spot the colour in your life! Adios